Return/Refund Policy
At OCTAVE APPARELS, we take pride in the quality and craftsmanship of our products, striving to meet the latest trends and uphold the highest standards. However, we understand that there may be instances where you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase. Our Return/Refund policy is designed to make the return process as convenient as possible for you. If you have any queries regarding the return of your product, please refer to the following FAQs:
Q1. What is the timeframe for initiating a return request?
A.You must initiate the return request within 7 days of receiving the product. This allows you ample time to inspect the product thoroughly and request a return if necessary.
Q2. Are there any products that cannot be returned?
A.You may return any product as long as it is in perfect condition with the original tags still attached. Once the tags are removed, the product will be considered "Used" and will not be eligible for return or refund in the form of store credit.
Q3. Will I receive a refund to my original payment method for returns?
A. Unfortunately, all refunds will be issued as Credit Points to your Account Wallet, valid for one year.
Q4. Can I exchange products?
A. Unfortunately, exchanges are not permitted.
Q5. How will refunds be issued in the case of cancellation or non-delivery of products?
A. In the event of cancellation or non-delivery, refunds will be issued directly to the original source account.
Q6. How can one ensure a smooth return process, and what should be done if a damaged, wrong, or used product is received?
A. To ensure a smooth return process, we recommend recording a video while opening the product. In the unfortunate event that you receive a damaged, wrong, or used product, please promptly share the video or picture with us atOctave@femellafashions.comwithin 48 hours. This will enable us to thoroughly investigate the matter and provide appropriate compensation.